BarryFest June 15, 2023

Workshop: 9am-3pm, UW–Madison Pyle Center

Barry Van Veen

A one-day workshop to celebrate Professor Barry Van Veen’s outstanding contributions to engineering, science, and education.

Workshop Schedule

Time Speaker Title
9:00am Rob Nowak Opening Remarks
9:10am Louis Scharf  In his youth Barry formed beams even when wavefronts were wrinkled and wobbly
9:30am John Pierre Signal Processing Success Stories in Applications to Power Systems
9:50am Brad Postle Decomposing the signal from scalp EEG
10:10am Break 20 minutes
10:30am Ramya Vinayak Learning Diverse Preferences
10:50am Wim van Drongelen Beamformers in our Head [remote]
11:10am Srikantan Nagarajan The Trail of Barry’s Beamformers in Electromagnetic Imaging
11:30am TBD Special Virtual Presentation
12:00pm Lunch 90 minutes
1:30pm Rebecca Willett Machine Learning for Data Assimilation
1:50pm Kurt Hecox The Art of Science
2:10pm Jeff Krolik A golden oldie: the Barry-inspired multiple-time scale modularized adaptive beamformer [remote]
2:30pm  Break 20 minutes
2:50pm Waheed Bajwa FAST-PCA: When Eigenvectors, Covariance Matrices, and Distributed Data Walk Into a Bar
3:10pm Kangwook Lee Unfolding the Magic of GPT: A Flipped Classroom Ode to Barry
3:30pm Martina Rau Learning with visual representations in signal processing courses
4:30pm Reception Memorial Union

Hotel Information

1308 W Dayton St, Madison, WI 53715
(608) 263-2600
Event: Barryfest
Rooms on hold: 8 king bed single rooms for June 14th – 16th (2 nights)
Government rate for each room is $131.00 per night without taxes
Mountains and Stream